Friday, December 12, 2014

Bob Garfield of NPR is a Randazza Legal Groupie flat out lying about and defaming ME, Crystal Cox. Randazza DID not WIN, he stole my intellectual property and online content.

"The blogger Crystal Cox has also targeted First Amendment lawyer Marc Randazza, his wife, and their toddler. Bob spoke to Randazza in the Spring of 2012 about how Cox's actions were testing his free speech values. Since then, Randazza decided to take her to court and won. (He told us this week that his legal strategy had nothing to do with the content of Cox's speech and were instead based on domain law. His court arguments are available upon request, for free, if you ever find yourself in Cox's cross hairs). Randazza also blogs at The Legal Satyricon."


BOB Garfield is a LIAR LIAR Pants on FIRE. And did NO Fact Checking

Randazza did NOT WIN, he got an Unconstitutional TRO and STOLE Domain Names. He sued to SHUT ME UP and NOTHING to do with Domain Law. NPR has aided and abetted Marc Randazza to target, harass, criminal defame and bully COX and Randazza was Cox's former attorney.

I Expose BAD GUYS BOB, I do not Extort. I Tell on them. You however aid and abet lawyers and law firms who support human trafficking, racists and pedophiles such as Marc Randazza and Randazza Legal Group.

Expose the Gang Stalking Group of Attorneys, Law Firms, Judges, Legal Bloggers and Media that aid and abet Marc Randazza. I call them the Randazza Legal Groupis.

A bit More on Marc Randazza Hypocrisy

Check out the Full Docket Below of Randazza v. Cox and the Counterclaim of Defamation and Malpractice against  Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group

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